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Advanced Facebook Strategies

DATE PUBLISHED: November 02, 2011
With over 750 million users, it’s safe to assume that everyone has some knowledge of how to use Facebook. It’s also safe to assume that many business owners and marketing managers are using Facebook in some way to generate business or enhance company goodwill. If not, well, this “Advanced Facebook Strategies” post is going to be about as useful to you as sandals in an Alaskan snowstorm.

Once your target audience is on Facebook, your first priority is to get their attention on your page. Otherwise, how can you share what you have to offer them? Plus, the longer a viewer stays on your page, the better chance they’ll click and poke around to find out more about you and what you can do for them.

So how do you get your target audience to your Facebook page? The strategy is simple: you have to be THE PLACE people go to get information. We’re talking about people who really need what you have to offer – aka your Target Audience. Once they’re there, you’ll have an opportunity to build a relationship with them.

Here’s another key: whenever you post something on your page that may be of interest to your target audience, be sure to alert people using other social media – like Twitter and LinkedIn. Use link shortening tools to track click-throughs to see where people are coming from, and what is working to drive traffic to your page.

Another key is get to your target audience to comment on your wall. That will increase your EdgeRank for those fans on Facebook: build relationships! To invite those reader comments and make your page a “must see,” here is a strategy to employ: use the “Questions” feature on Facebook. Come up with a question that is of interest to your target audience. Also send out the question via Twitter and LinkedIn with a link back to Facebook.

Another trick is to post a link to an article or video that your target would like to see, but be sure it ties into what you have to offer. Once again, use other social media platforms to point folks back to your page, using some type of teaser about the article or video. Using the Questions feature, ask a question that people can answer without watching the video or reading the article. That way it’s more likely to get a comment.

Finally, demonstrate just how smart you are in your particular field by posting tips your target audience can really use. Just be sure not to use any links to someone else’s articles or videos – because you’ll just be sending YOUR TARGET over to your competition. And that’s something you really don’t want to do.

Increase page views, generate comments, and show the world your expertise – all using Facebook. That’s the way to get social media working for you.

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