With the wide spread use of social media in our day-to-day lives, reaching out and interacting with our prospective customers has never been easier. An auto business could benefit from spending an allocated amount of time per day to post content and monitor activity and still get the same results that other traditional businesses spend days and months working on in traditional marketing campagins. 
Social media becomes even more beneficial to your business when your customers positively communicate and endorse your products or services on your networks.
Why Should You Get Social Media Endorsements?
“92% of consumers around the world say they trust earned media above all other forms of advertising.” – NielsenWire, 2012
Social Proof
Businesses can say all great things about their product or service, but without a push and “proof” from other people, prospective customers tend to be wary. That’s why getting endorsements that talk about how the business works, how it responds to customer needs, and how superior it is to its competition is highly useful. Not to mention an honest message not in the form of a marketing message.
Greater Reach
Getting social media endorsements from popular figures in the auto industry (e.g., car enthusiasts, local community members) will help you reach more people. You might already have hundreds of followers, but with popular endorsers, you can reach out to hundreds more prospective customers.
More Qualified Leads
Your endorsers’ followers are interested in what those particular people are doing; that’s why they follow them in the first place. That’s also the reason why you can guarantee the leads you will get from these social endorsements will be targeted and more likely to result into a desirable action.
Diminished Advertising Needs
Social media endorsements allow you to cut back on advertising campaigns that usually take a lot of time, effort, and money. These endorsements can appear very casual in nature, but posted by notable figures, their potential of going viral is heightened. In turn, this allows you to minimize your spending on that particular campaign and start working on new projects to further improve your brand awareness, traffic, and sales. If you do continue your advertising efforts, creating a referral campaign built around social endorsements can pack twice the punch.
Things to Consider When Using Social Media Endorsements
If used wisely, social endorsements can give your auto business a great boost with little to no effort. However, for better results, you have to remember the following:- Make sure your endorser is relevant to your business. The endorser may be a renowned figure in your industry or an actual client.
- Soliciting feedback from common clients and posting them on your social media can already give you a head start. Even better, it can encourage your other customers to share their experience with your business for a chance to be put in the spotlight.
- Track your results. Look at visible indicators such as likes, shares, retweets, repins and so on. You can also use a more comprehensive analytics tool for tracking traffic and leads from links posted by your endorser.
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