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Are You On Facebook?

DATE PUBLISHED: August 25, 2011
Everywhere you go, you see people glued to their iPads, smart phones and laptops. Do you think everyone is working on a spreadsheet for business? Of course not! Chances are, their using a key element in their business arsenal: Facebook. Yep, that’s not a misprint. Facebook.

I’m not talking about kids wondering who is hosting the next party. I’m talking serious businessmen and women who are using Facebook to promote their businesses. The truth is, Facebook has exploded into the business community. With nearly 200 million users – and about a million new members joining each week in the U.S. alone, you bet businesses are paying attention.

So how can you use Facebook for your business? Start with a power profile. It won’t cost you anything – just use Facebook’s “About Me” section to talk about your business and what you do. Next, start building your contact list. Start connecting with people you know. Then start searching Facebook for individual people. Search the “friends” list of everyone you’re connected to. Send a connection request to each and every one.

Start posting messages to your “wall.” (Isn’t this fun? Look at all the new terms you learned today!) It’s the same as picking up a telephone to say, “Hello.” This is where you begin to “network” with others in the business community. Update your “status” – this is a good place to share news, promote events coming up at your business or boost sales.

Virtually network with others by participating in groups. Just click on groups and you’ll browse through a zillion (well, several thousand) themed groups to choose from. Search for groups that relate to your industry. Better yet, start your own group! It won’t cost you anything, and it offers your business great visibility.

One of the keys to using Facebook is to build your “friends list.” In business, the one with the most friends is the winner! Once you join a group, send everyone a “friend” request. Learn about your new friends, and help them out if you can. Soon they’ll return the favor, and you’ll have new clients as well as new friends.

Here’s a secret (that only everyone using Facebook knows about). Create a “fan page.” To learn how to do this, scroll to the bottom of Facebook and click on “Advertising”. Then click on “Pages” at the top of the screen. You’ll learn exactly what you need to do in order to create your Fan Page. Why is this important? You can use your fan page to add links, events and discussion boards that make them interactive. Instead of sending out “friend requests, you can invite people to become a “fan” of your page. Once you have a fan base, you’ll be able to send out messages and build your own online community. So, are you on Facebook? (You will be!)