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How to Create a Strong Solar Brand

DATE PUBLISHED: June 18, 2013

Branding is an important way to distinguish your company from the rest of the pack, which is why the trite sun emblem is something that even solar companies should avoid. 

Not only have the majority of companies in the industry adopted this theme, but icons involving the sun are far too common among travel, agriculture and entertainment companies. If you are looking to set your company apart from the industry, it begins by producing a distinctive solar branding symbol for your marketing plan.

solar branding(Branding campaign for Acro Energy)

There are a variety of visual themes that relate to solar power that can help in the creation of a powerful trademark that remains in the memories of consumers:

  • Free power—This is one of the most powerful and compelling traits of solar power, so it should be symbolized in your company icon. Capitalizing on the high IQ’s of many solar consumers you may wish to introduce images of perpetual motion machines or electrical plugs combined with environmental images. 
  • Use vibrant coloring—While it is aesthetically appealing to use energetic colors, it may be wise to avoid the oranges, yellows and reds that are so common throughout the industry.  If you want to make your solar logo memorable, choose colors that are engaging and will remain appealing for years to come.  If you are willing to be adventurous, stark black and white logos that depict vivid imagery related to the solar industry can be ideal for solar branding.
  • Anthropomorphism—Creating a human-like figure from solar panels or other industry related images lends extra psychological impact to your solar branding.  Figures like Mr. Peanut and the Michelin Man are iconic because they utilize the product in a humanoid depiction, which allows customers to relate.  Once again, it is probably wise to avoid a figure with a sun as the head, merely because it may appear cartoonish and intellectually lazy.
  • Link to your value proposition—When considering several proposals for your solar branding solution, it is wise to avoid icons that can be used by virtually any solar company.  Identify the value that your company is providing and help use that to inform your decision. If your company is a leading research and development organization, then images involving lab beakers may help convey your position of intellectual leadership.
  • Intrigue consumers—It is often easiest to create an image that is easily deciphered, but this may not always be as fulfilling as using symbol which require some intellectual deconstruction to understand.  Creating an icon that requires some thought or research to understand has proven effective for major companies like Starbucks and Firefox. 

Developing the ideal icon for solar branding should be a priority in any marketing strategy.  The image and logo you choose are likely to stay with you and your consumers for many years to come, so including elements of visual appeal, strong color composition, and a link to your company’s unique value proposition is essential. 

While it is possible to manufacture a logo that possesses all of these traits independently, the vast majority of businesses look to a branding agency

Either way, before setting out to develop your solar brand, you may want to download our brand development guide. Click the link below...

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