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3 Marketing Ideas That Leverage Solar Industry Benefits

DATE PUBLISHED: October 10, 2013

There’s no doubt the solar industry is continuously booming, but that doesn’t mean all solar businesses benefit from this development. If you’re not leaving a great impression on your prospective customers, enough to make them visit your physical or online store and make a purchase, then it might be time to start using some new solar marketing approaches. solar marketing

Here are three solar marketing ideas that will make your business stand out from the rest:

Posters and Infographics:

Visual materials easily catch people’s attention, especially when they include intriguing images or a variety of colors. That’s the very reason why posters and especially, infographics, are becoming advertisers’ favorite marketing tools. Posters can help you attract and inform people in the “real” world, while infographics will get you brownie points online.

When creating such campaign materials, you ought to remember the following:

  • They should look as professional and relevant as possible. Use easily recognizable symbols such as sun, trees, and people. If needed, hire a professional poster and infographic designer to design it for you.
  • Always research your facts. Include details about solar energy—how it’s collected and harnessed as well as how it affects nature and our everyday lives. If you can include recent solar statistics from reputable companies, that will be even better.
  • Distribute them in as many places as possible. For posters, have them plastered into waiting sheds, bulletin boards, markets, and the like, making sure that doing so is allowed; ask for permission, if needed. Online, publish your solar infographic in your website, blog, and social media profiles. You can also share it in your group(s) and chosen forum(s).

“Going Green” Campaign

“Going Green” campaigns are generally easy to start and manage, and if handled well, they can help inform thousands of people about solar benefits at once. There are a handful “Going Green” projects you can hold within your company, in your community, or state. Here are two ideas to get you started:

  • Use Less, Do More—with this solar marketing campaign, you will be rallying people to use less electricity, opt for public transport, plant more trees, and similar little things to help reduce our carbon footprint. For this campaign, it’s highly necessary to lead by example and emphasize each activity’s effect in our environment and lifestyles. Think “Earth Hour” from “World Wide Fund.”
  • Fun Run—fun runs are a great way to achieve two goals for a business. First, they increase awareness about solar energy and your solar business. Second, the help you raise funds for other green projects. To make your event more successful, you might want to consider partnering with notable green organizations and non-competitive companies in your community. 

Publicity Stunt

A publicity stunt can take a lot of time, effort, and, oftentimes, money. However, it can also produce astounding results, in terms of virality (how many and how often people talk about your business and solar marketing campaign), leads, and sales. That’s why a lot of companies bet on these activities to give them their much-needed boost. Think of “A Dramatic Surprise on a Quiet Square” by TNT HD Benelux in Belgium and “Angry Birds Live” by T-Mobile in Spain.

Ask yourself the following before you start this type of solar marketing activity:
  • What is your goal? Is it simply buzz, more social media followers, or an increase in sale?
  • Where is the best place and when is the best time to hold the event?
  • How much are you willing to spend on the publicity stunt?
  • Do you want it captured for other distribution purposes (e.g., sharing it as a company presentation or as an online ad)?

Solar marketing can be challenging, but with unique ideas and careful planning, it can be wildly successful.