While it may appear the digital world has taken over print, you should understand the most compelling reasons for continuing to invest in print advertisements. 
Print ads remain a strong component of any marketing mix because they can produce a greater impact upon the minds of consumers than the incorporeal images found on the web. Furthermore, certain target markets may not spend a majority of their time online.
Unlike ads online which many users have learned to ignore, ads on billboards, buses, magazines and newspapers can be striking and grab the attention of consumers. Most importantly, the tactile presence of paper is often enough to make print ads more memorable.
The most effective print ads in recent years have included the following:
- Startling imagery—While this theme may also be effective online, it is more successful in a permanent ad that can stop the page turning of a magazine. One of the most compelling examples of this was the ad by Subaru, which displayed a road that had been scarred by a passing car and stitched up to heal. The caption read “The New Impreza can be very unkind.”
- Humor—Humorous pictures are likely to grab the attention of readers or a passersby because they usually involves the juxtaposition of two incongruous elements. It is natural to stop and investigate an image that is somehow not quite right. A great example of this was a recent ad by Play-Doh, which displayed a cleaver made from brightly colored Play-Doh and had the caption “Safe no matter what you make.”
- Artistry—While beauty is often enough to stoke the interest of consumers, some print advertisements inspire genuine awe. There are few of these types of artistic print advertisements because marketing teams rarely create true works of art and artistic appeal is not universal. The few that have found widespread acclaim include the ad for the movie “Red,” which had a virtually unbroken image of the vibrant color and a minute caption extolling the film.
- Complexity—While Internet users tend to gloss over images, magazine and newspaper readers are a little more willing to invest the time to decipher complex images. Advertisements that require some deconstruction are more likely to connect with their intended audience in a static medium like magazines than on a transient one like the Web. An ideal example of this is a print advertisement from Red Balloon, which displayed a robot made from London attractions like the Underground and Big Ben.
Print advertisements often take a back seat to online marketing techniques, but they remain relevant to companies who wish to make a greater and more lasting impact on consumers.
Print ads can play a large roll in raising brand awareness. Before investing in a print ad budget, it is essential you have a strong brand that accurately represents your company.
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