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Mistakes Can Happen

DATE PUBLISHED: January 19, 2012
We’ve been telling you over the past weeks about how social media should play a bigger role in your marketing efforts this year. And Twitter is probably at or near the top of the list. But there are some things you can do to avoid making mistakes with Twitter, and now’s a good time to review what can go wrong in order to avoid problems later on.

The fact is, Twitter can be a huge boost to your business. It’s a powerful marketing tool that lets you connect with your customers. One study shows over 60% of Fortune 500 companies are using Twitter. But things can get tricky. So where are the problems?

You need to have a clearly defined Twitter campaign. First, know what to tweet. Don’t tweet about something that has nothing to do with your business! Have a specific audience in mind when you tweet; otherwise you’re simply wasting your time.

Make sure you have a well-conceived Twitter profile page. This is where you must make your message clear and concise. Take the time to set up a detailed profile page – don’t use the Twitter egg as your profile picture! Pop your business logo in instead. Add a custom background to help you stand apart from the competition. And take the time to put in some info in the “bio” field!

Another mistake is either tweeting too little, or too often. Don’t overload your followers with incessant, irrelevant tweets. And don’t hide from them either – if you start tweeting, make sure you continue. Just space your tweets out so you’re not constantly bombarding your followers.

One thing you really should avoid is trying not to spam your customers. Listen to them, and what type of content they’d like to receive. It will help prevent you from spamming their Twitter accounts with garbage.

And speaking of listening to your customers, make sure you engage your followers with tweets that have some meaningful content. Don’t make everything a sales pitch. And since Twitter is one of the more active social media tactics, you need to monitor your account. There are tools to help, like Brand Monitor and others. Analyze the conversations. You just might learn that Twitter is not where you should be building your brand.

If you’re using social media marketing, Twitter should definitely be at the top of your list. It could be one of the best things to come along to help your business. Just remember the pitfalls and what to avoid, and you’ll be tweeting your way to success.