It is no secret that most companies, especially those in a high-tech industry like solar energy, are fully engaged in search engine optimization (SEO.) With the solar industry, it has become even more relevant to be found online. 
The rewards of being at the top of the rankings page on a Google or Bing search can include a myriad of new customers, broad engagement with users across social media and digital platforms and elevated brand awareness. You and your marketing team have probably recognized the importance of SEO in your inbound marketing strategy, but you may not realize how to bring this elusive objective into reality.
The first and most effective way to improve your solar website’s SEO is to produce content that arouses interest in your products, people or processes. If you can stir up curiosity or excitement about your organization then you are well on your way to boosting your search engine rankings.
One of the most exciting ways to inspire interest is to engage visitors through a blog. Blogs are often the easiest way to regularly introduce fresh content on your website while also enticing visitors to return to your website. Your solar website SEO will be further enhanced if your visitors spend some discernable time reading your blogs, liking them and posting comments. Blogging is also an excellent place to introduce authentic and organic links to other well-respected sites, which is a key element in Google’s ranking algorithm.
Another way to enhance your solar website’s SEO is to create entertaining and informative videos. These videos may include How-To procedurals about common solar topics like installing a panel or measuring the electrical use in your home, or they could capture some genuine moments in an industry speech or convention presentation. Once your videos spark interest they are likely to be shared with others. It is important to remember to self-host your videos on your website if at all possible because it will draw people to your website, which will in turn raise your search rankings.
The solar energy industry is full of opportunities these days, so producing content offers that excite visitors is relatively easy. With so many new technologies and products emerging in this dynamic industry, many visitors want an easy-to-understand introduction to the basic concepts and products. A white paper or eBook is an excellent way to educate your visitors and establish continuing relationships. These portable guides can help elevate your organization’s reputation, which can also serve to elevate your solar website’s SEO rankings. You may also wish to include a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) which can immediately satisfy curiosity.
SEO is one of the key elements to your overall inbound marketing strategy. As you inch up the rankings, more people will find your social networks, where you can help further lead the discussion about your products and philosophy. This will come full circle and in turn drive traffic to your website and help boost your SEO, leading to a continuing ascendancy in the market.