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Don't be a Twit! Best Twitter Marketing Practices

DATE PUBLISHED: June 12, 2012
Want the “tweet” taste of success with Twitter? Of course you do – so when it comes to formalizing your Twitter marketing tactics, be sure you’re not being a Twit! If you’re a social media marketer, there are some basic tactics and strategies that work – all designed to help prevent you from being a Twit on Twitter. Here are some to consider.

Perhaps the most important key is that you have to stay laser focused on topics that relate to your content or your particular field. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time and money. Forget switching topics on a daily basis just because they happen to be in the news. Just remember that the folks who follow you are doing so because they perceive you to be an expert in an area that they need advice in. Leverage your expertise by providing news and info that’s important to your audience, with professional advice, case studies or other useful info.

Stay consistent! This helps you develop a unique style and “voice” – that people will come to know and expect. Grab attention from the get-go by develop a style that is unique and consistent. The more consistent you are, the stronger your voice becomes.

One of the biggest reasons businesses fail to achieve success with Twitter is because they forget to communicate with their audience. It isn’t only one-sided, so make sure you ask questions, let your audience know that input and feedback is not only welcome but very important and let your audience know that their ideas and opinions are needed to keep the dialogue going.

Another critical area is to do some basic research about your audience – and your Twitter strategy. It’s just like any other marketing channel – you have to have a plan that’s backed by some solid research. Find out what your followers are actually looking for in terms of content – and deliver it to them. The more you know, the better your content will be and the better loyalty your audience will have for your Tweets.

No matter where you look, you’re bound to find some articles and references to Twitter - and social media in general. The reason is that businesses are beginning to understand how important social media is to their overall marketing success and they’re using it. Which means the field is getting crowded, and in order to have any impact you really have to know what you’re doing. That’s why it’s extremely important to not only know your audience, but to offer the right solutions as well.

Follow these simple mandates, and you’ll be successful with Twitter. And you won’t end up being a twit!