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Social Media Beckons

DATE PUBLISHED: September 15, 2011
Still haven’t adopted a social media strategy yet? You’re not alone. See, lots of CEOs are saying, “sure, social media is where my customers go, but I know a lot of companies that haven’t made a single dollar in that social media space.”

Are you kidding me? Would you deliberately NOT go to where your customers are gathering?

No matter where you are on the fence – for or not for social media, the truth is if you’re not investing time, resources and money on social media, you’re going to be left in the dust, as your competitors pass you waving, “goodbye!”

Don’t believe me? Ok, fine, but before you move on, check this out: statistics from a recent business survey show that with regard to the benefits of using social media platforms (we’re talking Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and others) – 72% of businesses said that social media increased their web traffic; 62% said they saw improved search rankings; 48% of respondents said they had better sales; and finally, 59% saw a reduction in marketing costs. WOW!

And here’s one more result to consider, just in case those percentages didn’t have you salivating for a social media presence: businesses responding to this survey said that they were twice as likely to increase leads using social media.

So, you’re still not running to get your company’s marketing, PR, customer service strategies and SEO efforts integrated with social media? Seriously?

If you’re not a big statistics fan, let me put this an entirely different way: forget using social media and you’ll continue staying around as a small “mom and pop” operation, limited to doing business in your own city – rather than nationally – or better still, globally! I don’t know about you, but “mom and pop” operations were fine in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s, but today, that type of label is the kiss of death.

I’m not going to mislead you: getting your business really involved with social media is going to take time, effort and money on either personnel or contractor costs. It’s a steep learning curve, and while there’s no specific timeline to throw at you, you will need to develop a strategy, positioning and your “Klout” – nope, it’s not a misprint – it means your online reputation and engagement score on each and every social media website you go after. Now you know why it’s going to take you some time.

Still not sure about that “social media phenomenon?” Well, listen to this: a noted scholar at a top university predicted recently stated that social media just might be bigger than the industrial revolution in terms of its effect on society. Time to get going!